Submission Guidelines

Themes for Flashlight Talks and Posters

We Invite Submissions That Address

  • Theoretical or methodological insights into dyadic processes influencing behavior change
  • Comparative studies or conceptual analyses across different dyad types (e.g., romantic couples, parent-child, friends, colleagues)
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to integrating self- and interpersonal regulation of behavior change
  • The impact of dyad characteristics such as interdependence, similarity, or gender composition on interpersonal processes and health outcomes


Flashlight Talks

  • Flashlight talks will be 7-minute presentations, plus 5 minutes for discussion
  • Abstracts should include a title (15 words or fewer), author(s) names (the first author is the presenter), affiliations, and country; Abstracts for flashlight presentations should be no longer than 750 words, please use a structured abstract (Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Discussion)
  • To align with the conference’s goals of reflecting on different dyad types, presenters do not need data on multiple dyad types but are encouraged to discuss how their insights apply across them (e.g., in the conclusion)
  • There will be an award for the best flashlight presentation


  • Abstracts should include a title (15 words or fewer), author(s) names (the first author is the presenter), affiliations, and country; Abstracts for posters should be no longer than 400 words
  • Posters on work-in-progress or focusing on theoretical and/or methodological issues – whether or not they include empirical data – are also welcome
  • To align with the conference’s goals of reflecting on different dyad types, poster presenters do not need data on multiple dyad types but are encouraged to discuss how their insights apply across them (e.g., in the conclusion)
  • There will be an award for the best poster presentation

Deadline for Abstract Submission by March 31

feedback to participants by April 10

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